Pro-2 Version - OBD2 Tracking System
Pro-2 Version - OBD2 Tracking System
OBD is a protocol structure dating back to the 1970s. Automobile manufacturers have developed a new generation system that will reduce both speed and cable usage. Although initially only engine control and sensor controls were targeted, an infrastructure was established with OBD2 technology that can send and receive information from vehicles very quickly and from any point. With Cario, many data that may be needed during tracking can be read through the vehicles' internal receivers. This process is provided by reading the sensor data by connecting to the vehicle's brain via OBD2. It can be processed by Cario by taking many data such as how much the gas is pressed, panic braking, fuel consumption, health status of the engine.
OBD is a protocol structure dating back to the 1970s. Automobile manufacturers have developed a new generation system that will reduce both speed and cable usage. Although initially only engine control and sensor controls were targeted, an infrastructure was established with OBD2 technology that can send and receive information from vehicles very quickly and from any point. With Cario, many data that may be needed during tracking can be read through the vehicles' internal receivers. This process is provided by reading the sensor data by connecting to the vehicle's brain via OBD2. It can be processed by Cario by taking many data such as how much the gas is pressed, panic braking, fuel consumption, health status of the engine. These data enable more information to be accessed and reported on the vehicles tracked. In addition to the vehicle's condition, it also allows the driver to create a driving scorecard. The system has been designed by considering many possibilities that may be needed and that can add speed and comfort to the operation.